what to write in a journal for mental health

6 Remarkable Ideas For What To Journal About

What to Journal About

When you consider what to journal about, understand that there are endless possibilities of things to write about. But the point of journaling is to help you with an issue.  There are many benefits of journaling.

When it comes to what to journal about, you are spoilt for choice – distractions in life can make you feel overwhelmed, your career goals might be difficult to pursue, or maybe a personal relationship is difficult. Whatever you write down, no matter the topic, will help reduce stress and negative emotions.

Writing your thoughts down on paper will allow you to evaluate your feelings and better understand them. It can also help clarify your goals and objectives; jotting something down helps you organize your thoughts, but it also helps strengthen and motivate yourself by connecting the dots between thoughts and actions!

what to journal about
What to Journal About?

Journaling can be a powerful tool in helping us to accomplish our personal goals. Instead of wondering what to journal about, it’s helpful to think about why you are writing and what topics might be meaningful for your growth and reflection.

Whatever your aspirations—sticking to a diet, learning a new language, or tackling your inconsistent behavior head-on—keeping a journal can be an excellent way to monitor progress and improve motivation.

Consider focussing on topics you are genuinely passionate about or essential milestones in your life, such as key ideas from books or conversations with friends – anything that helps you gain insight! Through regular journalling, we can understand our motivators more deeply, fostering clarity to determine the next steps we need to take.

Journaling effectively enables you to process your thoughts and emotions. As a result, it can help you better understand yourself and make positive changes in your life. What to journal about is also a type of self-care, allowing you to relax and unwind. Below are some tips about journal ideas for beginners

Whether it’s to stick to your diet, learn a new language, or overcome your inconsistent actions, journaling will help. Instead of thinking about what to journal, think about what you’re writing about and your purpose for keeping the journal. Then choose topics that are meaningful to you and will help you grow and reflect on your life.

Record your daily events and thoughts

what to journal about
Doing a little journaling.

What to journal about could be recording events and thoughts daily is a fabulous way to track your progress and see how your thoughts and behaviors change over time. It can also be helpful to look back on old entries to see how far you’ve come. Ensure you include dates and details so you can remember.

Writing down your daily thoughts and events can be gratifying when deciding. It leaves a permanent trail of evidence of your growth and development, and it’s satisfying to revisit old ideas and reflect on how much you have progressed in the meantime.

Track your progress regularly by recording the details around what happened and how you felt each day – make sure that you include a date stamp on each entry so that when you want to look back, it is easy to find information. This way, every time you glance at past entries, you can use them as motivation to keep going.

Set goals and track your progress

New goals, Start new year, planning and setting goals
Start planning and setting goals.

Setting goals can be a powerful tool for helping you be successful with journaling. Having specific targets to aim for gives you built-in motivation and helps you determine what to journal about.

Whether your goal is writing down five things you’re grateful for every day, jotting down your plans and to-do items, or delving into deeper reflections on life issues, countless topics could fit into a goal-oriented approach to journaling.

Armed with a sense of purpose in our sessions and knowledge of the aim we want to achieve through our writing, it can make all the difference in ensuring success as we journey through the process.

journaling helps you to stay on track and keeps you motivated. First, write down your goals, what you’re doing to achieve them, and your progress along the way. Then, take the time to review occasionally to see how far you’ve come.

Journaling is a great way to stay organized, motivated, and on track when achieving your goals. Before you even start journaling, it’s essential to sit down and identify what you want to accomplish.

Write down the goals that are important to you. Not only that, but also note any progress or plans you have to work towards achieving them.

Having your goals written in front of you and documenting your journey can help hold you accountable and keep your motivation levels high. When things become stagnant, review your journal and note all the successes along the way – it’s incredible what clarity this can provide!

Work through stressful or difficult situations.

Male programmer stressed out at work
Stressed out at work.

Writing about it in your journal can be therapeutic when dealing with a challenging situation. It can help you work through your emotions and devise a plan of action.

Writing about challenging situations in a journal can be incredibly beneficial. It helps you process your feelings and can provide perspective on what is happening.

It is also a great way to work through emotions such as anger, guilt, and confusion that often accompany tricky circumstances.

What to write in a journal for mental health can be very beneficial. Knowing what to journal about can be difficult at first. So next time something difficult occurs in your life, whether big or small, consider writing about it – because expressing yourself on paper has powerful healing properties!

Still, it’s crucial to actively record essential details of the situation: who is involved, possible solutions, and your thoughts and feelings. Writing down these reflections will help you understand why you feel the way you do, providing closure and peace of mind in a trying situation.

Reflect on your successes and accomplishments

It’s critical to commemorate your wins, no matter how big or small. Journaling is an excellent method to reflect on your accomplishments and remind yourself of what you’re capable of. Try to find positive things to write in a journal.

Woman on deckchair, journal in hand, what to journal aboutJournaling is an effective way to celebrate your successes, whether small or large. Not only does it help you reflect on what you’ve done, but it can also be a way to remind yourself of just how capable and creative you are.

You can write about moments during the day that made you happy, words of affirmation or appreciation from friends or colleagues, tasks or goals achieved – anything that helps cement in your mind that you’re progressing along your journey. It’s a positive way to reinforce a feeling of accomplishment and self-efficacy in your day-to-day life.

Explore your creative side

Journaling can help you get the juices flowing if you’re creatively stuck. Write down stream-of-consciousness style or try out different writing prompts to jumpstart your creativity.

When you need to get your creative juices flowing, journaling can be a great way to get started. Writing stream-of-consciousness style is a great way to let ideas and thoughts flow naturally without structure. It also allows you to reflect on what’s been on your mind lately.

If you’re still stuck, try different writing prompts! They can help focus your thinking and make the process more enjoyable. To get the most out of journaling, take the time to think about what topics are important or interesting in your life right now. What areas do you need clarity on? What problem are you trying to solve? Taking some time for introspection can help give your journaling session a blazing start!

Or, if you’d prefer, use journaling as a chance for self-reflection – write about what’s going on in your life. You don’t have to reach for lofty goals or deep meanings; writing whatever comes to mind can help clear the mind and spark ideas. Whatever it is that helps get that creativity rolling!

Record actions on future goals

Setting goals can be a powerful tool for helping you be successful with journaling. Having specific targets to aim for gives you built-in motivation and helps you determine what to journal about.

Whether your goal is writing down five things you’re grateful for every day, jotting down your plans and to-do items, or delving into deeper reflections on life issues, countless topics could fit into a goal-oriented approach to journaling. Armed with a sense of purpose in our sessions and knowledge of the aim we want to achieve through our writing, it can make all the difference in ensuring success as we journey through the process.

If you have a goal that you’re working toward, take the time to write about what you did each day toward that goal. Doing so enables you to reflect on your thoughts, improving future planning.

Taking the time to reflect on your thoughts and progress is essential when striving toward a big goal. Writing about what you did each day toward accomplishing that goal is an easy way to do this reflection constructively. This can also be useful for planning future goals and developing strategies for success.

Keep your journal simple – list the tasks you completed, any emotions or insights that surfaced during the process, and any tips or techniques that worked well for you. Look back often and tune into how the journey makes you feel, as it can be a powerful source of motivation!


Getting started with journaling can be daunting – it is often easier said than done. You may be unsure what details to include, what topics to focus on or how to make it purposeful, but don’t worry! Journaling does not have to follow any specific formula, as everyone’s journey through journaling is unique.

The best place to start is by finding topics that work for you; being creative and allowing your writing skills to flow freely can help you tap into unexpected ideas. Believe in yourself and your chosen method of journaling, take action, and watch your path unfold with each new page you write.

No matter what you choose to journal about, whether you’re seeking to increase your creativity or build better relationships, journaling can work for you. It also doesn’t matter what type of techniques you use. The important thing is that it brings you joy and helps you grow as the person you desire.

So regardless of your reasons for journaling, and no matter what to journal about, experiment to find what works for your journaling journey. But before you begin, you must believe that it works and that you’ve chosen the right way, then commit to taking action.

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